Destiny P. / Don’t give up on you!

Destiny was placed in the system and split apart from her family when she was quite young. She experienced being placed with different families, many of whom did not truly care about her and were seemingly in it solely for the money.

“Overall I’m just a person and it’s really a lot of stress on someone who doesn’t even know what’s going on…”

As an older sibling, Destiny felt the weight on her shoulders of having to remain strong for her siblings. She had to become a big sister to her little sister and little brother, despite being in the system herself.

One of Destiny’s major accomplishments was surviving the system, knowing that some children still end up facing neglect and abuse from foster parents.  She encourages others to not give up on themselves. Against all odds, She was able to graduate.

Destiny is an example of resilience being a incredibly vigorous person. Despite the odds, she remained strong and determined by any means not just for herself but her siblings and mom as well. She encourages others to hang on and don’t quit.

Her advice for those experiencing foster care like herself is:

“Hang on, you will make it through, please never give up, you matter!”

Destiny says the thing she needed the most during her transitional period was someone to care and be there. She overcame it by stepping up and being a 2nd mom to her little sister and brother and taking care of them.

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