Casey I. / Fight for your dreams

I was really young when I was in the foster care system. I got a skin condition because my foster parents didn't take care of me. I was able to forgive my biological parents for abandoning me.

I held a grudge and so much anger for so long. Therapy helped me go back and deal with the trauma. Now I'm free and proud of who I am.

In the foster care system, I wish there were real advocates who care about each kid and their future, not just their placement or that moment. There should be more thorough check ins and background checks. I wish foster kids had the opportunity/free access to therapy.

I'm a perfectionist and I want more for my future. I know where I came from wasn't great and I'm fiercely driven to do more in life. I want to be working, possibly going back to school for my Master's. I want to be more in love with studying biology and challenged by it than I am right now. Education means everything to me. Education is where I met my friends, had breakdowns, discovered who I am and who I want to be. With education, I'm taking steps to be where I want to be in the future.

My advise is: Don't give up, if you've a dream go after it. Nothing great comes easy or free, you have to want it and fight for it.

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