Agustina P. / Never lose hope

Being in the foster care did affect me a lot emotionally physically because I was just a little girl but I can definitely say that being in foster care help me learn to be independent and mature. My biggest challenge that I faced was not having the support of my family.

I overcome my challenges by meeting amazing people. I learned that I was not alone.

What makes me proud of myself is that I graduated from college. I look at myself in the mirror and I can say I did it. Now I begin a new chapter in my life starting University. I honestly see myself in 5 years having a family and a home for my future family. I hope to graduate from the University with my bachelor's degree. I see myself working in an elementary school.

An education for me is expanding your knowledge and experiences in order to advocate and make a change. Challenge yourself for a better you.

A piece of advice that I want to give foster youth is to never lose hope — that there's always amazing people that love us and care for us through our journey.

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